About WebSite
This website for those student whose prepare competitive exam as like medical, engineering, government,semi-government, charted Accountant and many more. All exam notification provide are side and also we provide all of this exam preparation and provide related study material. On this web page, we also provide school level (board level exam) and study material. Also, provide graduation and post-graduation level exams and study material. Here we also provide a Doctorate degree like Ph.D. .our main key area graduation level competitive exam also focusing on how to study in class 10th and 12th. What rule follow in IIT-JEE and NEET Exam. We think Education is the best part of human life.if all of the people got a better education they do something for us.
Provide education for a better tomorrow. All the students don’t have money to teach a high coaching center. We provide free of cost all this study material. I see the problem in our city and state economically poor students give 100 % output and result, but they didn’t find a good opportunity. About us, we provide a better education free of cost. We also work on Practical education as theory plus experiment students feel and read then we find better education result output.
On behalf of this website, we provide free of cost education and exam information. Focusing on Study material of high rate exams like IIT-JEE & NEET. Also, provide better information about the exam. One of the main thinks We council students how they study After 6th class or 9th class or 10th class & after 11th class. If the student didn’t choose her topic in which area he does the study we provide his/her give better option on behalf of his/her interest.
About the Author
I am Indra jeet author of this website. it’s a long time I am thinking to provide this type of free education and information. I passed my bachelor’s degree in 2013 electronic communication engineering. I have 6+ years of experience in the education sector. I council 6000+ Students for their better future.