Future Perfect Tense Formula
Future Perfect Tense:-चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे
Structure:- subject+will/shall+have+3rd verb+object
Remember Points:-
Future Perfect Tense end in चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे, and we use will have/or shall have before 3rd form of a verb.
- Four step in future perfect tense 1. simple 2. negative 3. question 4. question negative.
- We use this tense to show that something will continue up until an event or time in the future. Like: for five mint”, and “since Friday”.
- We provide this tense in an easy way and in a unique way. This is a Future Perfect Tense with definitions and examples also structure.
{Future Perfect Tense}
Structure:- subject+will/shall+have+3rd verb+object
- उसने अब तक किताब खत्म कर दी होगी:-He will have finished the book by now.
- उन्होंने अपना सामान दस तक पैक किया होगा:They will have packed their luggage by ten.
- उसने अपना काम पूरा कर लिया होगा:-he will have finished her own work.
{Future Perfect Tense}
Structure:- subject+will/shall+not+have+3rd verb+object
- उसने अपना काम पूरा नहीं किया होगा:-he will not have finished her own work.
- मैं कुछ समय बाद किसी पहाड़ी की चोटी पर नहीं पहुँचा होगा।:-I shall not have reached the top of a hill after some time.
- पराक्रमी के गिरने से पहले हम अपने गंतव्य तक नहीं पहुँचे।:-we shall not have reached our destination before the mighty falls.
{Future Perfect Tense}
Structure:- will/shall+subject+have+3rd verb+object
- क्या आप सभी घर में सफेदी कर लेंगे?:-will you have whitewashed off all house?
- क्या वह सूरज निकलने से पहले बिस्तर से उठ गया होगा?:-will he have got out of bed before the sun rises?
- क्या बारिश होने से पहले बच्चे स्कूल पहुंच गए होंगे?:-will the children have reached the school before it rains?
{Future Perfect Tense}
D.Questions Negative:-
Structure:- will/shall+subject+not+have+3rd verb+object
- क्या आप सभी घर से सफेदी नहीं करेंगे?:-will you not have whitewashed off all house?
- क्या वह सूरज उगने से पहले बिस्तर से नहीं उठेगा?:-will he not have got out of bed before the sun rises?
- क्या बारिश होने से पहले बच्चे स्कूल नहीं पहुंचे होंगे?:-will the children have not reached the school before it rains?
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