Future Perfect Tense Formula

Future Perfect Tense Formula

Future Perfect Tense Formula

Future Perfect Tense:-चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे

Structure:- subject+will/shall+have+3rd verb+object

Remember Points:-


Future Perfect Tense end in चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे, and we use will have/or shall have before 3rd form of a verb.

  1.  Four step in future perfect tense 1. simple 2. negative 3. question 4. question negative. 
  2. We use this tense to show that something will continue up until an event or time in the future. Like: for five mint”, and “since Friday”.
  3. We provide this tense in an easy way and in a unique way. This is a Future Perfect Tense with definitions and examples also structure. 
Future Perfect

{Future Perfect Tense}

Structure:- subject+will/shall+have+3rd verb+object


  1. उसने अब तक किताब खत्म कर दी होगी:-He will have finished the book by now.
  2. उन्होंने अपना सामान दस तक पैक किया होगा:They will have packed their luggage by ten.
  3. उसने अपना काम पूरा कर लिया होगा:-he will have finished her own work.

{Future Perfect Tense}

Structure:- subject+will/shall+not+have+3rd verb+object


  1. उसने अपना काम पूरा नहीं किया होगा:-he will not have finished her own work.
  2. मैं कुछ समय बाद किसी पहाड़ी की चोटी पर नहीं पहुँचा होगा।:-I shall not have reached the top of a hill after some time.
  3. पराक्रमी के गिरने से पहले हम अपने गंतव्य तक नहीं पहुँचे।:-we shall not have reached our destination before the mighty falls.

{Future Perfect Tense}

Structure:- will/shall+subject+have+3rd verb+object


  1. क्या आप सभी घर में सफेदी कर लेंगे?:-will you have whitewashed off all house?
  2. क्या वह सूरज निकलने से पहले बिस्तर से उठ गया होगा?:-will he have got out of bed before the sun rises?
  3. क्या बारिश होने से पहले बच्चे स्कूल पहुंच गए होंगे?:-will the children have reached the school before it rains?

{Future Perfect Tense}
D.Questions Negative:-

Structure:- will/shall+subject+not+have+3rd verb+object


  1. क्या आप सभी घर से सफेदी नहीं करेंगे?:-will you not have whitewashed off all house?
  2. क्या वह सूरज उगने से पहले बिस्तर से नहीं उठेगा?:-will he not have got out of bed before the sun rises?
  3. क्या बारिश होने से पहले बच्चे स्कूल नहीं पहुंचे होंगे?:-will the children have not reached the school before it rains?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dr.vishal

    Great knowledge source….keep going

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